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A Safer NB Music Industry

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NEED HELP? Sexual Violence NB
Support Line 506-454-0437 (from 5 pm to 8 am, 7 days a week)

Music·Musique NB is dedicated to fostering a safer New Brunswick music industry, where everyone is free of harassment, abuse and discrimination.

Our industry needs to be safer and inclusive for all. We have a collective responsibility to neither ignore nor tolerate abusive actions or words. We, at Music•Musique NB, take this responsibility seriously. We are diligent about educating ourselves and our members on this issue. We do not tolerate unprofessional behaviours in our workplace, be it at a desk or on the stage.

We are also aware of our own powerlessness. Our industry doesn't have an HR department ready to investigate and intervene when there is a problem. Artists and industry professionals work in a variety of spaces, each operating independently. They are self-employed, and rely on word-of-mouth and the community’s good will to keep doing business.

While we are always happy to share resources for survivors, we are also not a victim services or crisis organization. We have nonetheless created an online form to document reports, complaints and witness accounts. Acting on individual disclosures of harm in the community (unless of course, it relates to our staff, board of directors or our events) is outside of our scope and resources. But as we continue working on making the NB music industry a safer and more respectful space, this form can be used in support of accountability process and victime advocacy.

What has Music·Musique NB been doing?

  • Policy for a Safe and Respectful Workplace
  • Policy for Board Accountability and Code of conduct for Board and Staff
  • Code of conduct for members
  • Anti-oppressive communication training
  • Project Soundcheck Training
  • Anti-Bias Training