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Music-related Associations

People networking MNB Week 2023 / Photo by LP Chiasson

AAAPNB | Association acadienne des artistes professionnel·le·s du Nouveau-Brunswick
          In a nutshell: Represent French-speaking artists and advocate on their behalf.

ACTRA | Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists
          In a nutshell: Union for Anglophone recording artists.

ANIM | Alliance nationale de l'industrie musicale
          In a nutshell: Advocate for the Francophone music industry.

APA | Atlantic Presenters Association
          In a nutshell: Regional association for arts presenters.

Arts Link | Arts Link New Brunswick
          In a nutshell: Promote the arts and arts organizations.

ArtsNB | New Brunswick Arts Council
          In a nutshell: Support the arts.

CARAS | Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences
          In a nutshell: Producer of the JUNO Awards.

CAMMAC | Canadian Amateur Musicians • Musiciens Amateurs Canadiens
          In a nutshell: Organise activities for all musicians, regardless of skill levels.

CAAMA | Canadian Association for the Advancement of Music & the Arts
          In a nutshell: Producer of the Indie Awards.

CFM | Canadian Federation of Musicians
          In a nutshell: Union for musicians.

CIPO | Canadian Intellectual Property Office
          In a nutshell: Governement agency dealing with copyright.

CCMA | Canadian Country Music Association
          In a nutshell: Promotion of country music in Canada.

CCMIA | Canadian Council of Music Industry Associations
          In a nutshell: Represent provincial music industry associations (MIA).

CIMA | Canadian Independent Music Association
          In a nutshell: Represent the Anglophone independent music industry.

CMPA | Canadian Music Publishers Association
          In a nutshell: Promote the interest of music publishers.

ECMA | East Coast Music Association
          In a nutshell: Producer of the East Coast Music Award and Week.

FMC | Folk Music Canada
          In a nutshell: Promotion of folk music in Canada.

GMA | Gospel Music Association 
          In a nutshell: Promotion of gospel music in Canada.

LAC | Library & Archives Canada
          In a nutshell: Government agency dealing with archiving recorded music.

Music Canada
          In a nutshell: Administer the gold/platinum awards program for best selling records.

Canadian Live Music Association
          In a nutshell: Advocate for live music promoters.

MMF | Music Managers Forum
          In a nutshell: Represent managers and self-managed artists.

NBCF | New Brunswick Choral Federation
          In a nutshell: Promote choral music in New Brunswick

NBFMF | New Brunswick Federation of Music Festivals
          In a nutshell: Producer of the Provincial Music Festival Finals.

New Brunswick Musicians' Association
          In a nutshell: Union for musicians. Local 815.

NBRMTA | New Brunswick Registered Music Teachers’ Association
          In a nutshell: Promote music education in New Brunswick

APEM | Professional Music Publishers’ Association
          In a nutshell: Represent music publishers.

RADARTS | Réseau atlantique de diffusion des arts de la scène
          In a nutshell: Francophone Arts promoter in Atlantic Canada

SAC | Songwriters Association of Canada
          In a nutshell: Represent songwriters, composers and lyricists.

SPACQ | Société professionnelle des auteurs et des compositeurs du Québec
          In a nutshell: Represent Francophone songwriters.

SPAASI | Stratégie de promotion des artistes acadiens sur la scène internationale
          In a nutshell: Promotion of Acadian culture on an international level.