Music•Musique NB, in partnership with The Maine Arts Commission and Space Gallery of Portland are excited to be organizing New Brunswick Calling, a music industry networking event taking place on November 4th and 5th in Portland, Maine. This initiative will showcase 4 NB artists in one of the states creative hubs, providing an opportunity for the Maine music industry to gather, network and meet the delegation of music industry professionals and artists from New Brusnwick.
What can you expect?
During First Friday Art Walk, we’ll host a diverse mix of New Brunswick music with experimental rock trio Motherhood, Mi’kmaq rapper-producer-singer Wolf Castle, string duo Pallmer, and eclectic selector DJ Lu.
On Saturday, music and arts workers from Maine and New Brunswick will convene in the morning and afternoon for roundtable conversations and social events. All invited and all welcome, but RSVP strongly encouraged! Full schedule below.
9:00am – coffee and pastries
mingle with musicians, artists, and music industry workers from New Brunswick and Maine and check out SPACE’s Techno Worlds exhibit.
9:30am – Funding & Support for Musicians & Artists panel discussion
with Jean Surette (Music New Brunswick)
David Greenham (Maine Arts Commission)
Kelsey Halliday-Johnson (SPACE Gallery)
10:30am – Cross-Border Touring for Maine and New Brunswick Musicians panel discussion
with Penny Stevens (Motherhood / Flourish Festival)
Jeff Beam (One Longfellow Square)
Zach Atkinson (Capital Complex)
Peter McLaughlin (SPACE)
noon – lunch
all registered attendees can enjoy a catered lunch from Foodie Friends.
This initiative is supported by the New Brunswick Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture, FACTOR, the Governement of Canada and the State of Maine Arts Commission.